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Prayer is just as important as financial support for Gina's Blessings.  If you believe in our work, we ask for your prayer of support.  Specifically, please pray daily for Gina's Blessings with;

  • Prayers for the salvation of these children and the children we cannot reach,

  • Prayers that these children will develop a great love for the written word of God,

  • Prayers that Gina's Kids will take the gift of salvation and education back to their homes, families and village and,

  • Prayers for the sponsors of these children so that they can continue to meet the financial and material needs of the children.


We also ask that you pray for the volunteers and families who make Gina's Blessings possible.  Pray for the success of Gina's Blessings so that the message of Christ's love can be spread through this ministry to the world.  While everyone may not be in position to support the ministry of Gina's Blessings financially we greatly appreciate your continued prayer for this ministry.

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Mark 9:37

"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me."

​Find us: 

Gina's Blessings

6079 Kingsley Lake Drive

Starke, Florida 32091

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